Sunday 31 March 2013

G.I Joe Retaliation - my view

It's been exactly four days since I wrote my last entry. Did I forget it? Nahh. I did not. But I don't have any super amazing ideas to write about. Seriously, why would I write something that is not useful or not interesting just for the sake of completing my assignment a.k.a this blog? Why would I do that? I think, this blog should be a place for information sharing, for something useful, for something fun and interesting. However, that is my opinion, and it is up to you to accept my opinion or not.

So, last Thursday, I watched a movie. In the cinema, mind you. And what movie did I watch? Well...
It's the G.I Joe Retaliation. Call me a spoiler, but I would not stop until I finished talking about this movie. Oops..

I'm not going to tell you the synopsis, you can google it. And I'm not going to tell what exactly happen in this movie, you can watch it by yourself. But I am going to comment on some aspects of the film. Well, since this is a high-tech, action movie, you of course, can expect two things - firstly, it involved extremely modern devices and secondly, it is packed with action. I loved both aspects, no matter how absurd it be, and I can live with that. However, there are a few things that I think can be improved though.

Firstly about the most secured prison (as depicted) in this film. At first, we will be amazed to watch the security of the prison which kept the villain -Zartan and Cobra commander. The chance to escape from this almost none, as the systems that runs the prison is very impressive,it is so sophisticated. However, less than ten minutes after the third prisoner (Storm Shadow) went in, the prisoners escaped. I mean, what happened to the extraordinary systems?

Next, the duplication of the President. The original President of the United States have been duplicate by the villain. A complete, perfect duplicate, that nobody realised it. Even the staff in the White House. Suddenly, with a few clicks on the computer, the G.I Joe team members were able to detect that the President was an impostor. I mean, if the White's House workers could not detect it, how can three people that have not seen the President in ages can detect it? How?

There are a few more comments I was about to give, but I think I better stop here. There's probably a bunch of people already cursing me for spoiling this movie for them. Haha. I'm sorry, but I can't stop wondering, you know. However, if I were to rate this movie, I'd give 4 stars out of five. It is a really an enjoyable movie, and it worth your money to watch it. And I can't wait to watch its sequel. *winks*. Well that's all people. Happy watching!

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Listening Critically

Hi everyone! Good to have you guys around. Soo..what are we going to talk today? Well, today I am going to give you tips on how to listen effectively.

I am sure all of you knows how to listen. Of course. Aren't we blessed with a pair of ears? But 'Listening' that I meant here is critical listening, where you are not only listening, but you are thinking and analyzing what have you listened to, as well.

Many people have failed to realize the importance of critical listening. It is important because you don't want to lose information that you have heard, do you? It is also important in order for you to make the best decision in certain situation. So, how to listen critically? It is very simple and applicable. I am sure all of you can do it in a few simple steps.

1) Focus - Look at the speaker intently. It will help you to understand and remember what have been said. People talk not only verbally, but using body language as well. By looking at the speaker, you can focus better, and understand better.

2) Understand - Try to make yourself understand on the topic that is discussed. If you have some doubt or feeling that you are starting misunderstand the information, asks the speaker to repeat. Always keep yourself clear on the topic.

3) Take notes. This is perhaps the most important tips of all. Take notes on what have you listened to. Not only you will have reference later, you are also forcing both of your brain sides to participate in listening,- which make it better to remember.

4) Repeat. Lastly, try to repeat what you have heard. Not all, OF COURSE, but make summary of what you have listened previously. This will help you to understand and analyze the information you've heard.

Like I said before, it is easy to listen critically. It is also good in terms of improving your memory. With a few practice, you can see the difference.

Bye for now!

Tuesday 26 March 2013

My Sick Week

Hey lovelies! I hope you guys are feeling well today, because I definitely was not. But first, let me apologize to you because I haven't updated my blog for a while. Firstly, I was quite busy last week. And then the weekends (which I went back to my hometown) and then yesterday (which I was sick).

What I am going to tell you for today's entry is about yesterday, I mean, what really happened to me that I had to skip two classes (you can guess about it from the title right?).

Yesterday, when I woke up in the morning, my head hurts and my throat felt sore. The previous night, I had already feel some unwellness in me, but I thought it gonna be okay in the morning. So, without taking any medicine, I went to sleep. As it turns out, I was totally wrong. Yesterday morning, I caught a slight fever. That is why, people, I didn't attend yesterday's class and cannot update my blog.

Well, that was yesterday. Today, I went to class feeling a little bit better. No, a lot better than yesterday. But  unfortunately for me, I had gastric today. In class! Oh My God! And I haven't brought any food with me, because I had had my breakfast. I felt so sick, and full of regret because I didn't prepare any medicine for my gastric. However, lucky me. I had wonderful friends. Fatin bought me some bread and Iffah shared some of her 100 Plus drink which she said can cure/relieve my gastric. (Iffah also had gastric in class today).

After I ate and drank the 100 Plus, I feel a bit better. Though it takes about 2 hours for my gastric to completely relieved, it felt much, much longer to me. I can't believe I have to face two types of illness in two days. However, this serves me as a lesson to take care of myself better in the future. No more skipping meals. People, take my advice: Take good care of yourself. Really good care. Or else, you'll end up like me.

Before I leave, I would like to wish Athirah for her birthday. Happy birthday dear, may you live a long, happy life.

#ps: my time setting has some problem, please ignore the date. I'll fix it a.s.a.p.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

How to Present Well in Class

Hello there people! How are you today? I'm feeling fantastic. I just did my presentation and it went well. Though it is a very informal presentation and and my part is very short, but it went well and it really makes me happy. Yeay!

Well since we are in the topic of presentation, I think I might as well share how to present well in class. Well you know, not that great or anything, but with more confident. I am sure we all have this problem, some of us may have overcome it, but some of us still having trouble with it. So, I would like to share a few things that helped me to overcome the nervousness while presenting. Here we goes:

1) Prepare - This is the first thing you should do. You really should prepare on what you are going to present. Organize them accordingly, or in a certain patterns that can help you to remember them. In my case, the more unprepared I am, the more nervous I am.

2) Practice - Have you heard of a saying, "Practice makes perfect"? It certainly help, I tell you! When you have prepared your presentation, try to practice AT LEAST twice before you present. It will help you to detect if there's anything wrong with your presentation. Remember, always practice.

3) Be loud - Okay, this is what you have to do when you are presenting. Be loud,people. Talk in a clear, loud voice. I don't know if it's just me, but I am not interested in listening to people that talk so softly, as I think they are not confident to talk. But remember, loud does not mean you have to shout. Use different intonation to control the situation.

4) Eye contact - This is the most critical part of a presentation. Eye contact. Always look at your audience. If possible, look at their eyes, so you will gain their trust, but if you are  still trying to overcome the stage fright a look at their face (their nose or mouth) will do just nicely. For me, if someone is talking rubbish and I could not understand a single thing of what he said, but if he looked straight at me, I will still listen to him.

5) Breath - Lastly, don't forget to breath. I know this sounds silly, but as it turns out, uneven breathing is one of the most affecting factor that will indicate your confidence. Breath deeply BEFORE you start presenting, breath evenly and easily when you ARE presenting, and breath in relief when you HAVE presented. That's it.

I think that is all from me. I wish you luck in any of your presentation, and don't forget to follow the tips above! Bye!

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Welcome, fella!

So, here we are. Stranded in isolated corner where you have nothing else to do except to read what I wrote for you. But fret not fella, I'm not going to make you boring with stuffy stuff. Here we are, having fun, though we will not abandon some seriousness in our stories.

So, for the first post, what are we going to do? Well, let's see. Some introduction? Yes, sounds like a good idea. I am a female student, 20 years old, and is currently staying in Shah Alam.

Enough about me. So, what are going to talk (euww..sound so serious to me) here? Basically everything. Yes, everything. From gossips to fashion to crime and to environmental issues, WE are going to discuss it here. Of couse, you guys will be participating here by leaving out comments on every entry. Feel free to argue or discuss anything with me,okay?

Let me be honest for a while, I'm actually in the middle of a class, where I'm playing hooky and write on this blog instead. I'm sure everyone have done this before. Or perhaps, still doing it. Well, let's share. What else did you do when you are in class? (I mean when you're not focusing on the lecture!) Usually I surf the net,and if I don't have any access to the Internet, I'll play games on my phone. Or..if my friends are quite boring too, we'll play Hangman. Or Bingo. How about you? Come on, share with me! Until you have something to share, I'll meet you in the next entry. Have a nice day!