Sunday 31 March 2013

G.I Joe Retaliation - my view

It's been exactly four days since I wrote my last entry. Did I forget it? Nahh. I did not. But I don't have any super amazing ideas to write about. Seriously, why would I write something that is not useful or not interesting just for the sake of completing my assignment a.k.a this blog? Why would I do that? I think, this blog should be a place for information sharing, for something useful, for something fun and interesting. However, that is my opinion, and it is up to you to accept my opinion or not.

So, last Thursday, I watched a movie. In the cinema, mind you. And what movie did I watch? Well...
It's the G.I Joe Retaliation. Call me a spoiler, but I would not stop until I finished talking about this movie. Oops..

I'm not going to tell you the synopsis, you can google it. And I'm not going to tell what exactly happen in this movie, you can watch it by yourself. But I am going to comment on some aspects of the film. Well, since this is a high-tech, action movie, you of course, can expect two things - firstly, it involved extremely modern devices and secondly, it is packed with action. I loved both aspects, no matter how absurd it be, and I can live with that. However, there are a few things that I think can be improved though.

Firstly about the most secured prison (as depicted) in this film. At first, we will be amazed to watch the security of the prison which kept the villain -Zartan and Cobra commander. The chance to escape from this almost none, as the systems that runs the prison is very impressive,it is so sophisticated. However, less than ten minutes after the third prisoner (Storm Shadow) went in, the prisoners escaped. I mean, what happened to the extraordinary systems?

Next, the duplication of the President. The original President of the United States have been duplicate by the villain. A complete, perfect duplicate, that nobody realised it. Even the staff in the White House. Suddenly, with a few clicks on the computer, the G.I Joe team members were able to detect that the President was an impostor. I mean, if the White's House workers could not detect it, how can three people that have not seen the President in ages can detect it? How?

There are a few more comments I was about to give, but I think I better stop here. There's probably a bunch of people already cursing me for spoiling this movie for them. Haha. I'm sorry, but I can't stop wondering, you know. However, if I were to rate this movie, I'd give 4 stars out of five. It is a really an enjoyable movie, and it worth your money to watch it. And I can't wait to watch its sequel. *winks*. Well that's all people. Happy watching!

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