Wednesday 20 March 2013

How to Present Well in Class

Hello there people! How are you today? I'm feeling fantastic. I just did my presentation and it went well. Though it is a very informal presentation and and my part is very short, but it went well and it really makes me happy. Yeay!

Well since we are in the topic of presentation, I think I might as well share how to present well in class. Well you know, not that great or anything, but with more confident. I am sure we all have this problem, some of us may have overcome it, but some of us still having trouble with it. So, I would like to share a few things that helped me to overcome the nervousness while presenting. Here we goes:

1) Prepare - This is the first thing you should do. You really should prepare on what you are going to present. Organize them accordingly, or in a certain patterns that can help you to remember them. In my case, the more unprepared I am, the more nervous I am.

2) Practice - Have you heard of a saying, "Practice makes perfect"? It certainly help, I tell you! When you have prepared your presentation, try to practice AT LEAST twice before you present. It will help you to detect if there's anything wrong with your presentation. Remember, always practice.

3) Be loud - Okay, this is what you have to do when you are presenting. Be loud,people. Talk in a clear, loud voice. I don't know if it's just me, but I am not interested in listening to people that talk so softly, as I think they are not confident to talk. But remember, loud does not mean you have to shout. Use different intonation to control the situation.

4) Eye contact - This is the most critical part of a presentation. Eye contact. Always look at your audience. If possible, look at their eyes, so you will gain their trust, but if you are  still trying to overcome the stage fright a look at their face (their nose or mouth) will do just nicely. For me, if someone is talking rubbish and I could not understand a single thing of what he said, but if he looked straight at me, I will still listen to him.

5) Breath - Lastly, don't forget to breath. I know this sounds silly, but as it turns out, uneven breathing is one of the most affecting factor that will indicate your confidence. Breath deeply BEFORE you start presenting, breath evenly and easily when you ARE presenting, and breath in relief when you HAVE presented. That's it.

I think that is all from me. I wish you luck in any of your presentation, and don't forget to follow the tips above! Bye!

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